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Types of Purchases

The purchasing function consists of business processes related to the acquisition of goods and services for the University of Illinois System. Purchases of equipment, materials, commodities, supplies, and services for the U of I System are made competitively where practicable. Performance, quality, suitability, delivery, and service are factors considered in buying. All purchases are made according to the provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code and the Procurement Rules of the Chief Procurement Officer for Public Institutions of Higher Education and other applicable state and federal regulations.

Until such time as University of Illinois System policy and guidance is brought into conformance with the new federal rules, the Uniform Guidance will take precedence where it differs from system policy and/or guidance.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As allowed under the Federal Register dated December 19, 2014, the University of Illinois has elected to delay implementation of the procurement standards outlined in 2 CFR 200.317 through 200.326 and will continue to comply with the procurement standards outlined in OMB Circular A-110 for Awards subject to the Uniform Guidance until July 1, 2017.

The campuses have common practices and procedures for purchasing operations, however where differences between campuses occur, these are noted.

Information on services such as graphic design, management/administrative services, and marketing/media services may be found under the heading of Professional and Artistic Services.

Last Updated: July 23, 2018

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