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Accounting & Financial Reporting


Open Encumbrance Report

Accurate encumbrance balances are important because they provide a clear picture of anticipated spending and aid in decision making. They also inform the campus budget office of the extent of committed state funding. Invalid open encumbrances at June 30 roll into the next fiscal year even though they are no longer needed.

These Excel files contain all open general encumbrances, requisitions, and purchase orders. They are organized by chart and three digit organization code.

General encumbrances can be modified or liquidated via journal voucher. See Job Aids & Training Materials Section for instructions on creating these journal vouchers.

Requisitions and purchase orders must be modified or closed by the Purchasing Divisions. See Purchasing "Who To Ask" Section for contact info.

These listings DO NOT contain payroll or indirect cost encumbrances. Any remaining payroll encumbrances will be liquidated before the close of the fiscal year in period 12. The payroll encumbrance amount to be entered for the next fiscal year is based on payroll appointment information. Indirect cost encumbrances are dependent on the total of all other encumbrance balances.

For questions please contact   

Last Updated: December 1, 2016

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